Lee Currie has taken over the reins for the One Little Word blog hop from Margie - thank you Lee.
So this month we start afresh with our new words and our January assignment - and a new OLW badge - isn't it cool - thank you Melanie. Welcome if you hopped over from Lynn's post ... and if you are starting here, great place to start!

I was still a little undecided about this word for most of January, but I feel very comfortable with it now. It's perfect for where I am this year and will work well for me as I set off on new adventures.

I've created the twelve areas that I want to work with, however the assigment was to give each area a month or number. As all of these would end up January or Number One .... I thought I'd leave that bit for now :o)
I plan to write a few ideas on the back of each card this month - just to remind myself of why of choose them and perhaps this will help for the word to work its magic in each area. The little cards will be placed into pockets when I have completed this part. Oh and I had better take a decent photo too I suppose.
CONSISTENT has played out well in January, I was consistently on holiday and I consistently did 'not a lot'. It was great fun!
I also addressed some of the areas I have highlighted this month - Strength and Fitness is being worked on with a neighbourhood boot camp - yes the neighbours have rallied together and twice a week we rock up on someone's front lawn and we are put through our paces by our local fitness guru - I even planked for five seconds ... yes five whole seconds and managed to run to the end of the Court and back without stopping (its a very long Court, honest)!
The Happiness area has me reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and this weekend I am joining a scrapbooking group which meets once a month - that's something new for Create.
Whilst I always wished I had achieved more, I am happy with my progress so far (especially the fitness bit - :o)).
February will see me working on these areas and taking on a few new challenges. I'll be working with Strength (strength of mind and character this time) as I attend interviews and settle on a new job, my Health as I give up alcohol for the month of February (is it coincidental that I chose the shortest month of the year to do this I wonder?) and Embrace, as I deal with the challenges and changes that are coming my way. I'll also be giving my blog a little make over - more Creating.
Its time to hop along now to a very dear friend and OLW blog hopping partner in crime, Kathryn Ruddick hope to see you next month.
Have a happy February.