Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Festive Friday Challenge # 3

Another Festive Friday Challenge and the first Christmas card for 2012.  I do have a confession, this is a case of a card that I made and forgot to blog from last year - the original one was posted off last year. I have a very busy week this week (you know one of those weeks where there is something on every night) and as I am so determined to enter as many of these festive challenges as possible (that way I will have a heap of cards ready for sending in a timely manner this year) -  I needed something quick to make.

I was inspired by Carolyn Bennies shimmery poinsettia - the shimmer paint is so easy to use and adds a real sparkle.

Why not have a play along yourself, I'm feeling a little organised having made my first card and it's still January - whoo hoo!




kay said...

lol - woo hoo indeed - great card nikki

Sarah Cameron said...

Cute card Nikki and I love the sparkle!! Thanks for sharing.

Nicole Derendorf said...

love the sparkle! Thanks for playing!