Thursday, October 18, 2012

Do You Know How Many Sleeps It Is Until Christmas?

I know - I've been away from here for so long that it really isn't fair to come back with a blog post counting the days to Christmas is it!

If you don't want to know, look away now .... oh actually don't look away because I have a lovely card to show you!

There .... 68 ....  sleeps to go - see that wasn't so scary was it!  I love love love Christmas - in fact I have fairy lights up permanently in my kitchen (well if it is good enough for Nigella it's good enough for me, right?).  I've also downloaded an app for my iphone that plays carols to me every time I check to see how sleeps it is until the great day ... yes I know .... I'm sad!

So ... if the number 68 has put you in a tizzy here's a card you'll love.

Its a simple and quick card using a brayer, an embossing folder and the lovely Snowflake die.  This is one of the cards we made during the classes last month and everyone was surprised at how quick and easy it was - isn't the Champagne Glimmer paper just so very sparkly.

New class dates have now been posted HERE.

Seats fill quickly so let me know if you want to come - you'll see a couple of extra dates for some lovely 3D Christmas decorations - you won't want to miss them - I'll be busy this weekend rustling up some samples to tempt you so keep an eye out.

Get a head start on those cards this year - come and enjoy the company of other crafty ladies, enjoy a cuppa and have some fun!

I'll be back in a day or two with some photos to show you - evidence of what I have been working on that has kept me away from my craft room!





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