Sign up to become a demonstrator!
Sign up today and you have a full six months to meet your minimum requirement which is to spend $400, so if you do nothing more you'll be a demonstrator all the way through to 31 March 2013 - see I told you today was a good day!

If you have been lusting after the Big Shot, you could order:
The machine for $149.95
An embossing folder for $13.95
The Butterfly Embosslits folder for $20.95
The Buttons #5 Sizzlits folder for $9.95
and the Top Note die for $37.95
All this adds up to $232.75 - and you pay just $169!
And you don't pay the shipping costs either - save another $11.68
You'll also receive business supplies to the value of $80 - so you'll have catalogues to share with your friends and family.
So you have a BigShot already and you want other ideas? Well you can choose anything you like from either of the catalogues - to the value of $235 and pay just $169.
So you must have questions right?
But I don't want to be a demonstrator Nikki, I don't want to do workshops, or demonstrations or classes - I just want the discount!
Well I have good news for you - you don't need to do anything you don't want to do and here's why.
Stampin’ Up! supports all demonstrators, no matter their goals or the level at which they choose to run their business. If you choose not to hold workshops, you can simply place your own orders and/or collect orders from family and friends to equal the $400 quarterly sales minimum.
What will I need to do to remain an active demonstrator?
You need to submit $400 in sales per quarter (this is exclusive of GST - so that's $440 in real terms). You receive an instant 20% discount, so the actual cost to you each quarter would be $352 plus shipping.
You earn all the usual hostess benefits and specials that are offered from time to time. So that's another $50 of product free when you place a qualifying order - yes that's right demonstrators are treated like hostesses when we place orders.
How can I make money as a demonstrator?
You can earn money in three ways: instant income (20% of each order), monthly volume rebates (4–15% of total sales), and monthly downline override commissions (2–6.5% of your recruits’ sales).
Do I have to recruit other demonstrators?
No. Like I noted before you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. If you were to recruit demonstrators, you would be paid override commissions on your downline’s sales, but this is a perk, not a requirement.
Where will I get project ideas for my workshops? What kind of training can I expect?
Stampin’ Up! provides dozens of training resources filled with project ideas and tips to help you run every aspect of your business, including a monthly publication called Impressions®, a demonstrator-only website, hundreds of samples, annual and seasonal catalogues, a training DVD, the Demonstrator Manual and a Product Guide.
You will also receive an invitation to become a member of a closed Facebook group – where you’ll find lots of support and ideas from other demonstrators in our team.
What if I decide that I don’t like it once I’ve started? Will I be penalised if I quit?
You may choose to stop at anytime, and you will not be penalised. You simply stop placing orders.
And one last question that always makes me blush but I get asked all the time ….. can I still come to your classes Nikki if I am a demonstrator?
Of course you can J I don’t want to loose any of my class ladies – our Thursday nights are so much fun.
So what are you waiting for? Do you have a wish list as long as your arm and want the discount?

Click here and lets get started - yes you can sign up on line today!
Please feel free to call or email if you have questions - my number is 0428 254 952.